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Mindset Coaching

Unlock your inner strength and dominate in a competitive world

In a world of constant pressure and increasing competition, mental strength is essential for success. Top performers, whether they are athletes, leaders or entrepreneurs, face unique challenges that can test their mental toughness.

What do I offer?

I am one of the few coaches with personal experience as a top performer at the highest international level! – I know the inner thoughts and feelings that arise under pressure and I know how to deal with them.

That’s why I can help you with mental growth where I specialize in helping top performers.

I can help my clients to

Target group:

I work with ambitious and motivated individuals who want to reach the top of their field.

My clients include:


Professional and semi-professional athletes looking to improve their mental performance.


Managers at all levels who want to strengthen their leadership and motivate their teams.


Entrepreneurs facing the challenges of starting and running a business.

The process:

My coaching program is tailored to meet your individual needs and goals. Whether you’re just starting out as an entrepreneur or a Premier League footballer, I have experience with both. We start with an initial conversation to discuss your challenges and expectations, then we will develop a personalized action plan that includes:

Individual coaching sessions:
We meet regularly in person, by phone or online to explore your thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

Mental exercises:
You will learn and practice effective mental tools to improve your mental strength.

We chase your goals and you must be willing to explore yourself and look inward with great courage. We can ONLY make decisions when we know the absolute truth. Who you are, where you stand, is crucial to taking the next step.